The ICO exists to empower you through information.

Monthly log

If there have been personal data breaches, please attach your completed breach log below. If there have not been any personal data breaches during this month, you can email a 'nil return' to [email protected]. As nil returns do not need to be sent securely, you do not need to use this form.

We accept Excel, Word and Open Office spreadsheet and document files, CSVs and text-based files. Maximum of 3 MB.

Initial notification of a security breach

Use this form for the first notification within 24 hours of detecting a breach.

When did this breach occur?

Information to provide now if possible

You should provide the following information now, if possible. If not, you must send a second notification form within three days.

Second notification of a security breach (providing further detail)

You should have already sent an initial notification with as much information as possible. Please now provide further detail. For each question, please add any further details since your initial notification. Please tell us if any details have changed. If you cannot provide any of the information we ask for now, you should explain why, and send a follow up form as soon as possible.

Follow up notification with any outstanding details

You should have already sent an initial notification and second notification with as much information as possible. Please now provide any further remaining details.

When did this incident occur?

We accept Word, Excel and other MS Office and Open Office files, image files, and text files. Up to 2 MB per file

About you (the service provider)

Who should we contact?
