The ICO exists to empower you through information.

For use by the organisation taking the decision to share data

Name of organisation receiving request to share data


Name of organisation requesting data


Name and position of person requesting data


Date request received


Description of data requested

Data controller relationship:   Joint     Separate
Will we have a data sharing agreement in place? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Purpose of sharing


Lawful basis for sharing – please state which


Why is sharing ‘necessary’?


Are additional conditions met for special category data or criminal offence data sharing (where applicable)?


Are additional provisions met in the case of Part 3 DPA 2018 data sharing?


Which legal power for sharing applies (if relevant)?


Have you considered a DPIA?


DPIA undertaken and outcome (if applicable)


Were views of DPO (or equivalent) considered? (if DPIA not done)


Are there any specific arrangements for retention/deletion of data?


What are the security considerations?


What arrangements are there for complying with individuals’ information rights?


Date(s) of requested sharing (or intervals if data is to be shared on a regular basis)


Decision on request


Reason(s) for sharing or not sharing


Decision taken by (name and position)

Signed: Dated: