The ICO exists to empower you through information.

Latest update - 13 March 2024

13 March 2024 - We have added a section on this complaint form for you to add any ICO reference numbers of other cases that specifically relate to this issue.

If you wish to submit a complaint to us about an organisation you may want to read about what to expect from the ICO when you complain. Here you will find information about what action the ICO can take against organisations and when, what the outcome could be including information about compensation and how long are complaints process can take.

*means you must answer the question. 

About your complaint

Maximum 2000 characters. You can upload other information below under supporting documents.

Supporting documents

We'll need a copy of letters or emails you've sent to the organisation, and any responses from them. Please only send the most relevant documents. Maximum of four files. If we need more, we'll ask you to provide it later. We accept Word, Excel and other Microsoft Office files, Open Office, txt, msg, pdf, email and image files. Up to 3 MB each

Only provide information relevant to the complaint.
Only provide information relevant to the complaint.
Only provide information relevant to the complaint.

About the organisation

Of the organisation or the person you contacted, if you have one


Number of the person you spoke to, if you have one
Full name of the person you have contacted at the organisation, if you have one

About you

The name of the person completing this form. We need your name, even if you're acting on behalf of someone else
The address you want us to use for correspondence about this complaint

Your address

The reference number will be in this format IC-XXXXX-XXXX
Tick if the person making the complaint was aged 17 or under at the time they made their request or complaint to the organisation. We use this to understand if the complaint relates to the rights of children
