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People Committee

4 September 2024

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Pay Award 2024/25 – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

5 July 2024

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. People aspects of the High-Performance Strategy - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Parameters of the pay remit and pay benchmarking – this was an oral item
  6. Case reviews – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Delivery of the Workforce Planning index and update on Workforce Plan Framework –at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Progress with the ICO People Survey – this was an oral item
  9. Employee Value Proposition (EVP)– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. General election: people-related implications and risks – this was an oral item
  11. People-related risks and opportunities – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  12. People-related Key Performance Indictors (KPIs) – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  13. Modern Slavery Statement – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  14. Progress on People aspects of Governance Transition – this was an oral update
  15. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

2 May 2024

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Workforce Strategy implementation and delivery plan –at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Pay Strategy –at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. ICO People Survey–at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. EDI Objectives and action plan –at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Summary of people-related risks and opportunities, including Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) –at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Annual report – people related sections
  10. Governance transition implications for people – this was an oral item
  11. People Committee Work programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  12. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

1 February 2024

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Delivery of the workforce planning index and update on workforce plan framework– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. People related risks and opportunities

    a. Summary of people-related risks and opportunities - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication

    b. Risk deep dive: capability and capacity risk scoring - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Doing It Differently programme update including Listen In series - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. People Committee effectiveness review - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. People Committee Key Performance Indicators - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Career banding outcomes and pay data (October window) - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. People Committee work programme - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  11. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

9 November 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting
  4. People related risks and opportunities
    1. Summary of people related risks and opportunities – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Deep dive: wellbeing and staff absence – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. EDI action plan update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. ICO pay strategy – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. People related Key Performance Indicators – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Workforce Plan – this was an oral item
  9. People Committee work programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

6 July 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. People related risks and opportunities
    • Summary of people-related risks and opportunities –at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    • Deep dive: industrial relations - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Parameters of the pay remit and pay benchmarking- at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Career Banding outcomes and pay data (April 2023 window) at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Embedding ICO 25 shifts of approach - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Workforce Plan- at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Modern slavery statement - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. People Committee Work Programme - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  11. Messages for Management Board – this was an oral item
  12. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

4 May 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. People-related risks and opportunities
    1. Summary of people-related risks and opportunities – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Deep dive: leadership development
  5. Employee value proposition
    1. Employee value proposition – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Pay benchmarking outcomes - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    3. Review of non-pay staff benefits – this is an oral item/at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Career banding outcomes and pay data
  7. Annual report – people-related section
  8. People Committee work programme - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Message for Management Board– this was an oral item
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

2 February 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Draft High Performance Strategy – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. People-related risks and opportunities
    1. Deep dive: capability and capacity opportunities – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Summary of people-related risks and opportunities - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Development of workforce planning methodology and framework
  7. Profession mapping - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Organisation design phase 2 – ET roles - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. People Committee work programme - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Messages for Management Board – this was an oral item
  11. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

7 November 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Culture, Capability and Capacity Strategy – this was an oral item
  4. ICO25 and Organisational Design – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Pay Remit 2022/3 – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. People Related Risks – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. People Related Key Performance Indicators - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. People Committee Work Programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Matters for the Board – this was an oral item
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item