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Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

  • Date 20 June 2013
  • Sector Health
  • Decision(s) FOI 41: Upheld, FOI 43: Upheld
The complainant has requested information in relation to Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s (“the Trust”) Consultant Pay Review. The Trust identified a report produced by an external party which had been commissioned for the Trust but considered this exempt under section 41 of the FOIA. The Trust also refused to provide the exact figure paid to the external company to produce the report but did offer to provide this within a banding of ten thousand pounds. The Commissioner’s decision is that the Trust has incorrectly applied the section 41 exemption in order to withhold the report and has incorrectly applied the section 43 exemption to refuse to provide the specific amount paid to the company who produced the report. The Commissioner requires the Trust to disclose the amount paid to KPMG for its services and to disclose the KPMG report.