This toolkit will help you better understand what you need to put in place for good corporate governance and how to achieve accountability in your organisation.
Records management
This toolkit will help you assess whether you have met the minimum standards for creating records and have effective mechanisms to locate and retrieve them.
Information & cyber security
This toolkit provides you with a checklist that you can use, in addition to existing information and cyber security frameworks, to help when assessing the integrity, availability and security of your information.
Training and awareness
This toolkit sets out some of the issues to consider to ensure you deliver appropriate staff training throughout your organisation.
Data sharing
This toolkit provides practical guidance about when and how you can share personal information. It complements our Data sharing code.
Requests for access
This toolkit will help you understand what measures you should have in place to respond to requests for access, commonly referred to as subject access requests, effectively and in a timely manner.
Personal data breach management
This toolkit will help you put measures in place to detect and prevent a personal data breach.
Artificial intelligence
This toolkit will help you understand and address the basic principles of data protection in the context of your AI, whether as a developer or deployer of the system. It complements our AI guidance and risk toolkit.
Age appropriate design
This toolkit will help you assess whether you are complying with your obligations under data protection law to protect children’s information online. It complements our Age appropriate design code.
Tell us what you think
The Assurance department value your views and the feedback we receive will help us to continue to improve and develop our framework.
The following survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.