The ICO exists to empower you through information.

Control measure: Various communication methods are used on a regular basis to raise staff awareness of information governance, data protection and information security, and the associated policies and procedures.

Risk: If staff are not made aware of important messages effectively, as limited types of communication are used, some key messaging may not reach staff in a timely manner. This may breach UK GDPR articles 5(1)(f) and 32.

Ways to meet our expectations:

  • Use a variety of types of communication to raise staff awareness generally, not just in the information governance department.
  • Periodically communicate information governance, data protection and information security policy updates to all staff.
  • Feature information governance, data protection and information security messages in communications sent on a regular basis to staff (eg newsletters). 

Options to consider:

  • Display awareness raising posters around the premises.
  • Use screensavers to help raise staff awareness. 


Control measure: Staff are given the opportunity at team and department meetings to discuss information governance, data protection and information security, and associated issues. 

Risk: If staff do not have a regular opportunity to discuss issues or raise questions, they will fail to ensure compliance with legislative requirements. 

Ways to meet our expectations:

  • Give staff an opportunity to raise questions or concerns about information governance, data protection and information security at team, department, or equivalent meetings.
  • Invite information governance, data protection and information security staff to team, department, or equivalent meetings to provide more detail or focused briefings.

Options to consider:

  • Add information governance, data protection and information security as standing agenda items in team briefs or meetings. 
  • Have a data protection champion in various key departments.


Control measure: Staff know who to contact about any information governance, data protection or information security related queries or advice. 

Risk: Queries may go unasked or unanswered if staff do not know who to contact, therefore increasing the risk of non-compliance and breaching data protection law.

Ways to meet our expectations:

  • Include directions in staff training material, as well as in policies and procedures, on who to contact and how. 
  • Provide and monitor a general email inbox for information governance and data protection queries.
  • Include guidance in awareness material on how to get information governance, data protection and information security advice. 

Options to consider:

  • Check staff can recognise who they should contact if they have any queries or advice requests about information governance, data protection or information security.
  • Run regular staff awareness exercises or scenarios.
  • Make these details available on the internal intranet.