This module looks at how your public authority manages its FOI requests, whether it is able to understand its compliance with the FOIA timeframes, if it can identify performance levels at an individual case or group level and react to issues to improve performance.
All questions are mandatory.
- Tracking and monitoring systems enable the public authority to respond promptly and always in line with statutory timescales.
- Senior managers routinely review FOI performance against targets to identify opportunities for improvement.
- Prompt action is taken when issues that could impact on compliance with response times are identified.
- Tracking and monitoring systems generally enable the public authority to respond promptly in line with statutory timescales.
- Senior managers occasionally review FOI performance against targets to identify opportunities for improvement.
- Action is generally taken when issues that could impact on compliance with response times are identified.
- Little or no tracking and monitoring: responses rarely issued in line with statutory timescales.
- There is little or no review of FOI performance against targets.
- Little or no action is taken when issues that could impact on compliance with response times are identified.