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The ICO exists to empower you through information.
For the public
For organisations
Make a complaint
Action we've taken
About the ICO
For organisations
UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Principles and requirements of the UK GDPR, codes of practice and key themes such as CCTV, artificial intelligence and children.
EIR and access to information
Environmental information, spatial information and re-use of information.
Law Enforcement
Processing for law enforcement purposes.
Electronic identification and trust services
eIDAS regulations for electronic trust services offered within the UK and recognised equivalent services offered in the EU.
Intelligence services
Intelligence services principles, rights, obligations and exemptions.
Freedom of information
How to respond to FOI requests, and further information and resources.
Direct marketing and privacy and electronic communications
Sending marketing messages, business to business marketing, electronic messaging, cookies, or providing electronic communications services to the public.
Data Protection and the EU
Adequacy and the UK GDPR and law enforcement processing since we left the EU.
Network and information systems (NIS)
Digital services such as online marketplaces, online search engines and cloud services.
Pay fee, renew fee or register a DPO
Report a breach
Advice and services
Advice for small organisations
Our plans for new and updated guidance
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