The ICO exists to empower you through information.

Overall ratings



Legal obligation

Vital interests

Public task

Legitimate interests

The below lawful basis are likely to be appropriate for your data processing activities

Your answers were inconclusive for the following lawful basis

Contract: Your answers were inconclusive - you need more information to decide whether contract is an appropriate lawful basis. 


Suggested actions

You need to be clear why you are processing the data, and whether this is integral to performing the contract (or taking first steps at the request of a potential customer), or for other purposes. If you're not confident that you can demonstrate your purposes are integral to contractual performance, you should consider another lawful basis for the processing - but in any event you will need to specify your purposes. 

Legal obligation: Your answers were inconclusive - you need more information to decide whether legal obligation is an appropriate lawful basis.


Suggested actions

You may need to obtain legal advice to determine if you are subject to any relevant legal obligations.

Vital interest: Your answers were inconclusive - you need more information to decide whether vital interests is an appropriate lawful basis.


Suggested actions

You need to give more thought to why you are processing the data, and whether this is to protect a vital interest (eg for emergency medical care) or for other purposes. If you're not confident that you are protecting an interest that is essential for the life of the individual, you should consider another lawful basis for the processing - but you will first need to be clear about your purposes.

Public task: Your answers were inconclusive - you need more information to decide whether public task is an appropriate lawful basis.


Suggested actions

You may need to obtain legal advice to determine if you are exercising official authority or have a relevant task in the public interest.

Consent: Your answers were inconclusive - you need to do more to make sure you have valid consent.

Suggested actions

You need to consider whether consent suits your needs. Relying on consent can build customer trust and engagement, and enhance your reputation - but you hand control over to individuals which means you must make sure you can offer people a genuine free choice and ongoing control over whether you use their data, and will respect their choices. Refer to our detailed consent guidance to decide if consent is appropriate for you.

Legitimate interest: Your answers were inconclusive - you need more information to decide whether legitimate interests is appropriate.

Suggested actions

If you intend to rely on legitimate interests you need to be confident to take on the responsibility for protecting the interests of the individual and justifying any impact. If you are not confident, you should look for another lawful basis or rethink your processing. For example, you may wish to consider whether you would prefer to give individuals the choice, and rely on consent instead.

The lawful basis below are not appropriate for your data processing activities

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