The ICO exists to empower you through information.

Big Ugly Multipage doc page content v1

This is a Heading 2

This is a Heading 3

This is a Heading 4






This is a Quote

This is a letter

This is a Red Block

This is an Amber Block

This is a Green Block


Article image


Article image left










Article image right










Article image one third


I am bold

I am italics

I am underline

I am strikethrough

I am bold, italics, underline & strikethrough


I am justified. Phasellus feugiat eu velit laoreet bibendum. Fusce vestibulum eu nunc sed interdum. Morbi convallis vehicula mi, id accumsan ex fermentum et. Integer magna nibh, condimentum ut congue id, egestas in diam. Fusce at diam suscipit, consequat nisi sit amet, elementum augue. 


  • First bullet point - unnumbered
  • Second bullet point - unnumbered
  • Third bullet point - unnumbered


  1. First bullet point - numbered
  2. Second bullet point - numbered
  3. Third bullet point - numbered


Indented once. Phasellus feugiat eu velit laoreet bibendum. Fusce vestibulum eu nunc sed interdum. Morbi convallis vehicula mi, id accumsan ex fermentum et. Integer magna nibh, condimentum ut congue id, egestas in diam. Fusce at diam suscipit, consequat nisi sit amet, elementum augue. 


Indented twice. Phasellus feugiat eu velit laoreet bibendum. Fusce vestibulum eu nunc sed interdum. Morbi convallis vehicula mi, id accumsan ex fermentum et. Integer magna nibh, condimentum ut congue id, egestas in diam. Fusce at diam suscipit, consequat nisi sit amet, elementum augue. 


Indented thrice. Phasellus feugiat eu velit laoreet bibendum. Fusce vestibulum eu nunc sed interdum. Morbi convallis vehicula mi, id accumsan ex fermentum et. Integer magna nibh, condimentum ut congue id, egestas in diam. Fusce at diam suscipit, consequat nisi sit amet, elementum augue. 


Nullam vitae bibendum eros subscript blah.

Nullam vitae bibendum eros superscript blah.

Nullam vitae bibendum eros special chars omega Ω and zeta ζ  blah.


This is a link to Make a complaint


This is an anchor


Below is a 3 x 3 table. This table has no alignment.

Row 1 Col 1 bold Row 1 Col 2 italics Row 1 Col 3 underline
Row 2 Col 1 strikethrough Row 2 Col 2 all props

Row 2 Col 3 This cell contains

a light blue arrow image

Row 3 Col 1


Row 3 Col 2


Row 2 Col 3



Below is a table with width 500.


Row 1 Col 1 bold Row 1 Col 2 italics Row 1 Col 3 underline
Row 2 Col 1 strikethrough Row 2 Col 2 all props

Row 2 Col 3 This cell contains

an image of the number 3

in yellow against a green background.

Row 3 Col 1


Row 3 Col 2


Row 2 Col 3



Below is a column layout with two columns:

This is column 1. Background colour green.

Nunc in accumsan elit. Proin vehicula velit eu libero ornare porta. Integer et tincidunt arcu, ut faucibus risus. Nam auctor arcu eget turpis condimentum efficitur. Morbi congue, sem eget volutpat faucibus, nulla sem hendrerit sem, et cursus neque sapien quis leo.

This is column 2. Background colour yellow.

Integer interdum iaculis ligula vel porta. Praesent risus ex, sagittis vitae mi ut, commodo maximus ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla eget dictum nunc, ut sodales ex. 




Below is a column layout with three columns:


This is column 1. Background colour green.

Nunc in accumsan elit. Proin vehicula velit eu libero ornare porta. Integer et tincidunt arcu, ut faucibus risus. Nam auctor arcu eget turpis condimentum efficitur. Morbi congue, sem eget volutpat faucibus, nulla sem hendrerit sem, et cursus neque sapien quis leo.

This is column 2. Background colour yellow.

Integer interdum iaculis ligula vel porta. Praesent risus ex, sagittis vitae mi ut, commodo maximus ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla eget dictum nunc, ut sodales ex. 

This is column 3. Background colour blue.

Duis ac lectus ut dui aliquet blandit vel vitae arcu. Morbi molestie pellentesque facilisis. Nullam quis lorem massa. Nunc sapien dui, elementum sed iaculis vel, interdum et sapien.


 Further reading:



Include a form

About the organisation

The organisation you're making your request to, eg ABC Ltd
Usually found in the organisation's privacy notice

Your request

Be very specific, eg 'My employee file'; or 'Emails containing my name sent between 'person A' and 'person B'; or 'My medical record held by 'Dr C' at 'hospital D'. Helps you get exactly what you need
Give a date range of the information you are requesting, eg 'From 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023'. Give times if they're relevant, eg 2-3pm for CCTV footage, or say what time the call started if you're requesting a phone call transcript
Your customer or other reference number with the organisation, eg your NHS reference number. This will help them identify you
You don't have to include this, but it can help the organisation find the information that you actually need and can help you get a better, faster response
Details about where the organisation might find the information or what it relates to, eg an application for credit, an insurance claim, a medical procedure

About you

For example, 10 3 1989. Used to help the organisation find the information
Used to help the organisation find the information
In case the organisation needs to call you to clarify this request



Add a youtube video



Add a Vimeo video


Let's have some detail.

Big Ugly Article Page Details Summary

Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

Plus a picture.


Here is a callout box:



 Here is an image bullet with background colour green.

Image bullet content. Sed pharetra est eget magna volutpat, sit amet maximus nunc fringilla. Nunc porttitor, ipsum vel consectetur suscipit, odio velit pulvinar orci, in fermentum risus arcu eu lacus. Suspendisse id est quis leo elementum posuere nec non orci.



 Here is an image bullet with background colour blue and image right justified.

Image bullet content. Aenean eu metus at ipsum tristique hendrerit ut nec ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas a ex nec erat mollis tempor non elementum mi. Duis convallis eget dui ut sollicitudin. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum vehicula metus arcu, eget tempor lorem accumsan sit amet.


 Here is a live chat bubble.


Clock symbol below


Start now


Takes about 5 minutes

End of clock symbol.


Example box below

Example box. Nam bibendum laoreet elit, in varius elit ultrices sit amet. Mauris vehicula vitae nulla ac commodo. Nunc commodo finibus pellentesque. Morbi bibendum quam nec ipsum lacinia luctus. Pellentesque porta tortor non nisl vestibulum vestibulum. Ut pulvinar neque nibh, eu vulputate tellus finibus ut.


Quote box below

Quote box. Maecenas blandit dapibus lorem, non pulvinar ante imperdiet et. Fusce purus libero, aliquet ac arcu at, suscipit dapibus ipsum. Suspendisse accumsan sodales pharetra. Maecenas finibus tempus purus, eu cursus ipsum aliquam sed. Vestibulum nec sodales quam, a fermentum justo. 


Letter format below

Letter format. Cras vehicula est non ultrices finibus. Maecenas quis tortor mi. Integer in venenatis sapien. Aenean eu metus at ipsum tristique hendrerit ut nec ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas a ex nec erat mollis tempor non elementum mi. Duis convallis eget dui ut sollicitudin. Suspendisse potenti. 


Horizontal line below




End of page.