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Consultation on the ICO’s AI and data protection risk toolkit

  • Start date 12 October 2021
  • Closing date 1 December 2021
  • Type ICO consultation
  • Status Closed

This consultation has closed

The ICO is consulting on a beta version of its AI and data protection risk toolkit. This toolkit is designed to assist risk practitioners identify and mitigate risks to data protection that AI systems that process personal information create or exacerbate.

We are looking for a wide range of views from organisations across all sectors and sizes. We are looking to hear from people in compliance focused roles and technical roles who are responsible for the development, deployment and maintenance of AI systems that process personal data.

If you would like further information about the consultation, please email [email protected]

Please send us your response by 01/12/2021 by filling in this form and sending it to [email protected]

Privacy statement

Please note, your responses to this survey will be used to help us with our work on the toolkit only. The information will not be used to consider any regulatory action, and you may respond anonymously should you wish. For more information about what we do with personal data see our privacy notice.