The ICO exists to empower you through information.

We publish the minutes of our Management Board meetings on this page, and we also publish the papers from these meetings whenever appropriate.

20 May 2024

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Commissioner’s introduction – this is an oral item
  5. Finances and Estates
    1. Finance update and year-end income and expenditure report – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
  6. Discussion items
    1. Enterprise Data Strategy (EDS), Data, AI and automation – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Data Protection law reform update – this is an oral item
    3. Spotlight on research
      1. Data Controller study – at the time of this meeting this item was not for publication
      2. Public Attitudes on Information Rights (PAIR) survey – at the time of this meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Performance reports
    1. Our performance information is available at this page Management Board Scorecards
    2. ICO25 update
      1. ICO25 progress update - at the time of this meeting this item was not for publication
      2. 2024/25 transformation portfolio – at the time of this meeting this item was not for publication
    3. Risk – Orange Book compliance
    4. Annual report 2024/25
  8. Updates from Committees
    1. Audit and Risk Committee Chair – this is an oral item
    2. Update from the People Committee and Remuneration Advisory Sub- Committee Chair – this is an oral item
    3. Update from Regulatory Committee Chair – this is an oral item
  9. Management Board planning
    1. Management Board strategy day update
    2. Management Board work programme – at the time of this meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

25 March 2024

22 January 2024

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Commissioner’s introduction – this is an oral item
  5. Discussion items
    1. Communications and Engagement- 2024 vision and high-level plans – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Data protection law reform update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    3. Annual board effectiveness review
  6. Performance reports
    • ICO25 progress update – at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
    • ICO25 value realisation - at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
    • Project deep dives - at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
  7. Finance
  8. Update from Committees
    • Audit and Risk Committee Chair – this was an oral item
    • Update from Regulatory Committee Chair – this was an oral item
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

20 November 2023

  1. Commissioner’s introduction – this is an oral item
  2. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  3. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  4. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  5. Discussion items
    1. Corporate Risk Register annual report and role of Audit and Risk Committee in overseeing the Corporate Risk Register – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Financial strategy planning and scenario planning for future financial years – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    3. Public Affairs vision – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    4. UK Customer Service Institute Business Benchmarking Results – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    5. Clearview AI v Information Commissioner judgement – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    6. Data Protection Law Reform Update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Financial planning
    1. August income and expenditure report - Monthly management accounts
  7. Performance reports
    1. Our performance information is available at this page Management Board Scorecards
    2. ICO 25 update
      1. ICO 25 progress report – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Update from Committees
    1. Audit and Risk Committee Chair – this was an oral item
    2. Update from People Committee Chair – this was an oral item
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item



18 September 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Discussion items
    1. Regulatory Behavioural Change – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Approach to regulating AI – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Discussion items continued
    1. Data Protection law reform update – this was an oral item
    2. Modern Slavery Statement - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Performance reports
    1. Our performance information is available at this page Management Board Scorecards
    2. ICO25
      1. ICO 25 progress update - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
      2. Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) Infrastructure Project Review Paper - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
      3. Project Deep Dive- prioritisation framework - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
      4. Project Deep Dive – SAR Tool project update and next steps
  7. Update from Committees
    1. Update from Regulatory Committee Chair – this was an oral item
    2. Committee member ship update – chair update - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Management accounts
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

10 July 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Discussion items
    • Data Protection and Digital Information (DPDI) Bill update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    • Social Media Startegy– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    • Strategic accommodation planning – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  1. Performance reports
    • ICO 25 progress update– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    • SME Data Essentials– at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
    • Contact Centre Scheduling– at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
  1. Update from Committees
    • Audit and Risk Committee - this was an oral item
    • People Committee – this was an oral item
    • Regulatory Committee – this was an oral item
  2. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

15 May 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Discussion items
    1. Annual report and financial statements
    2. EDI objectives
    3. Data protection law reform update – this was an oral item
  5. Performance reports
    1. ICO Management Board scorecard. Our performance information is available at this page Management Board Scorecards
    2. ICO 25 delivery update - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Management accounts. Our financial information is available at this page Monthly management accounts
  7. Update from recent committee meetings
    1. Update from Audit and Risk Committee Chair – this was an oral item
    2. Update from People Committee Chair – this was an oral item
    3. Update from Regulatory Committee chair – this was an oral item
  8. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

20 March 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Discussion items
    1. Parliamentary Strategy – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Annual budget 2023-24
  5. January income and expenditure reports
    1. Monthly management accounts
  6. Discussion items continued
    1. Risk appetite review – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Management Board work programme
    3. Regulatory Committee terms of reference
  7. Performance reports
    1. Management Board scorecard Q3
    2. Our performance information is available at this page Management Board Scorecards
    3. ICO25 delivery update - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. People Committee update – this was an oral item
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

23 January 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Discussion items
    • ICO 25 – progress update – this was an oral item
    • Digital Regulation Cooperations Forum (DRCF) performance stocktake – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication

4.3  ICO governance reform update– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication

  1. Performance reports
    • ICO 25 Dashboard – at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
    • Our performance information is available at this page Management Board Scorecards
  1. Update from Audit and Risk Committee Chair - this was an oral item
  2. Finance
    • Monthly management accounts
    • Financial scenario planning for 2023/24– at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
    • Review of Data Protection fee model– at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
  1. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

21 November 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Discussion items
    1. Corporate Risk Register Annual Report – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Communications Approach and Strategy – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    3. ICO and PACE Teams – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Performance reports
  6. People Committee update – this was an oral item
  7. Update from Audit and Risk Committee Chair - this was an oral item
  8. Finance      
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

3 October 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Discussion items
    1. ICO25 “call for views” survey response
    2. ICO25 moving from strategy development to successful execution – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    3. Modern Slavery Statement – the document is available at this link
    4. Adjustments to Committee Terms of Reference. Current Committee terms of reference are available at this link
  5. Finance
  6. Any other urgent business
    • SME Hub - this was an oral item

18 July 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Discussion items
    1. ICO25 Plan- progress update – oral update
    2. Data Protection Reform Update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    3. Regulatory Committee- terms of reference
    4. Management Board Terms of Reference and work programme
  5. Performance reports
  6. People Committee update- this was an oral item.
  7. Update from Audit and Risk Committee Chair- this was an oral item
  8. Finance-
    1. May income and expenditure report- at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication.
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

16 May 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Discussion items
    1. People Committee and Remuneration Advisory Sub-Committee
    2. Regulatory Advisory Panel – this item is not currently for publication
  5. Performance reports
    1. Management Board Scorecards
    2. Annual Report and Financial Statements – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Update from Audit and Risk Committee Chair – this was an oral item
  7. Management accounts
  8. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

21 March 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Discussion items
    1. Risk Appetite Statement Review – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. DP Reform Update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Performance reports
  6. Management accounts
  7. Nominations Committee Update – this was an oral item
  8. Update from Audit & Risk Committee Chair – this was an oral item
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

13 December 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Performance Reports
    1. Management Board Scorecards Q1 & Q2 – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Progress towards achieving the IRSP – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    3. Strategic Change and Transformation Programme including progress towards the Capacity and Capability Plan – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Discussion Items
    1. Future ICO Corporate Plan – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Stakeholder perception and reputation management – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Corporate Risk Register:-
  7. Management accounts
  8. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

27 October 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Commissioner’s introduction – this is an oral item
  5. Discussion items
    1. Data Protection Reform Consultation update – this is an oral item.
    2. Accountability Framework – this is an oral item
    3. Update on ICO Policy Profession and Policy Methodology – this is an oral item
    4. Our ways of working update - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Update from Audit & Risk Committee Chair – this is an oral item
  7. Management accounts
  8. Update on transition to new Information Commissioner – this is an oral item
  9. Scheme of Delegation – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

19 July 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Update from Senior Independent Director – this is an oral item
  5. Discussion items
    1. Enduring objectives and performance indicators – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Constitutional Review Update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    3. Annual Track results – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    4. Our Ways of Working Update– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    5. EDI Target Action Plans– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Performance reports
    • Information Rights Strategic Plan – at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
  7. Nominations Committee
    1. Update on the work of the Nominations Committee – this is an oral item
    2. Board effectiveness review outcome – report attached
    3. Nominations Committee Terms of Reference – report attached
  8. Update from Audit and Risk Committee Chair – this is an oral item
  9. Finance and Resourcing
    1. Monthly management accounts
    2. Analysis of Pay Data – at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
    3. Modern Slavery Statement – at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

17 May 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Update from Senior Independent Director – this is an oral item
  5. Discussion items
    1. Service Standards, KPIs and balance scorecard
    2. Regulatory Priorities – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Performance reports
  7. Management accounts
  8. Risk and opportunity management
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

22 March 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Update from Senior Independent Director – this is an oral item
  5. Discussion items
    1. Annual Budget and Annual Business Cases – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Staff Survey – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    3. Digital Regulation Coordination Forum – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    4. Management Board Work Programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Performance reports
    • Information Rights Strategic Plan – at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
  7. Update from Senior Independent Director – this is an oral item
  8. Management accounts
  9. Risk and opportunity management
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

1 February 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Update from Senior Independent Director – this is an oral item
  5. Discussion items
    • EU Withdrawal Update – this is an oral item
    • Data from Pay Progression Window – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    • Information Access Management Report
  6. Performance reports
    • Capacity and Capability Plan
  7. Update from the Chair of Audit and Risk Committee – this is an oral item
  8. Update to Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference
  9. Management accounts
  10. Risk and opportunity management
  11. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

16 November 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Commissioner’s introduction – this is an oral item
  5. Senior Independent Director’s update – this is an oral item
  6. Audit Committee Chair’s update – this is an oral item
  7. Discussion items
    1. EU Withdrawal Update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Future Regulatory Landscape Update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    3. Governance Arrangements – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    4. IT Service Delivery Model – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    5. HR/Workforce Strategy Paper – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Performance reports
    • Information Rights Strategic Plan – at the time of the meeting this was not for publication
  9. Management accounts
  10. Risk and opportunity management
  11. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

21 Sept 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Commissioner’s introduction – this is an oral item
  5. Discussion items 
    1. EU Withdrawal Update – this is an oral item
    2. Constitutional Review – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    3. Senior Independent Director
  6. Performance reports
  7. Management accounts
  8. Risk and opportunity management
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

20 July 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Commissioner’s introduction – this is an oral item
  5. Discussion items
    1. Constitutional Review Update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    2. Regulatory Action Policy
    3. Wellbeing Survey – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Performance reports
  • Information Rights Strategic Plan – at the time of the meeting this was not for publication

7. Management accounts

8. Risk and opportunity management

9. Update of governance changes – this was an oral item

10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

18 May 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Commissioner’s introduction – this was an oral item
  5. Discussion items
  • Prioritisation in the context of COVID-19– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  • Regulatory posture – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  • Data prospects update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication

6. Strategic Performance report – Business Continuity Programme update– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication

7. Management accounts

8. Risk and opportunity management

9. Annual report – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication

10. Progress with governance changes – this was an oral item

11. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

16 March 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Commissioner’s introduction – this was an oral item
  5. Discussion items
  • Data Prospects – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  • 2020/21 budget – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  • Review of first year of pay progression – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication

6. Strategic Performance report – Information Rights Strategic Plan – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication

7. Management accounts

8. Risk and opportunity management

9. Progress with governance changes – this was oral item

10. Coronavirus preparations – this was an oral item

11. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

 24 January 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declaration of Interests – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Commissioner’s introduction – this was an oral item
  5. Discussion items 
    • Key performance measures – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    • Management Board Terms of Reference – Terms of reference for Management Board are available on the Decision making structure page
    • EU Exit Preparations – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    • Accommodation update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
    • Commissioner relocation – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Strategic Performance report – Resource and Infrastructure Strategic Plan – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Management accounts 
    • Monthly management accounts
  8. Risk and opportunity management
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item