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Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)

  • Date 13 March 2024
  • Type Reprimands
  • Sector Local government

Within the website, there was a webform to contact the London Victims’ Commissioner as well as other webforms. Between 11-14 November 2022, a member of GLA intended to give four members of MOPAC permission to the webforms. However, instead of granting permission to the four members of MOPAC, they made two web forms public. On 23 February 2023 MOPAC were made aware by a member of the public that it was possible for users to click a button that would enable users to access information on every query that had been submitted via the form. 394 people were later notified of the breach due to the nature of the personal data that was made publicly accessible on the forms.