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Update your registration details

You'll find this on any recent correspondence you've received from us, eg ZA123456 or C1234567
Incorrect security numbers may be submitted but your request won't be processed. If you're unsure, use the 'Forgot security number' service
What would you like to update? (If updating your Organisation address, please consider updating your Main contact and DPO addresses too)

Organisation address

Your updated address

If you are registered with Companies House, you must provide your registered office address. If not, you should provide your principal place of business address.

Organisation address

Main contact details

Your updated main contact details

The details of the person responsible for paying the data protection fee. We'll only use these to contact you about the fee. We won't publish this information on the public register.

Main contact address

Data Protection Officer

Does your organisation need a data protection officer (DPO)?

The following questions will help you decide if you need a data protection officer.

Are you a public authority?
Do your organisation's core activities involve tracking and monitoring people's behaviour (for example on the internet, or on CCTV) on a large scale?
Do your organisation's core activities involve processing on a large scale 'special categories' of personal data, or large scale criminal convictions or offences data?

Your organisation will need to nominate a DPO.

Your organisation does not need a data protection officer. However, you can nominate one, or provide a contact for data protection in your organisation.

Would you like to provide details of a person responsible for data protection in your organisation?

Your updated DPO details

We'll only contact this person about data protection. We won't publish this person's name unless you tell us to. You can choose which contact details (email, phone and/or address) to provide, and we will publish those on the public register.

Your updated data protection contact

We'll only contact this person about data protection. We won't publish this person's name unless you tell us to. You can choose which contact details (email, phone and/or address) to provide, and we won't publish those unless you tell us to.

Preferred contact type (choose at least one)
Address (optional)

Trading names

List the trading names you want us to publish on the public register.

This will replace any trading names you already have, so please tell us all the trading names you want us to publish, even if we have them already.

Payment tier

We'll publish this on the public register.

Which payment tier are you changing to?