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Children's information

The guidance on this page is suitable for organisations of all sizes and from all sectors. Small businesses can also use the resources on our small business web hub.

Brief guidance 

Using children's information: a guide

Marketing to children, automated decision making and profiling, sharing children's information and children's data protection rights.

Detailed guidance 

Children's code: guidance and resources

Read the Age Appropriate Design Code for providers of online services that are likely to be accessed by children in full (such as apps, online games, and web and social media sites). Includes guidance and resources about the 15 standards, frequently asked questions, DPIAs and resources for designers. 

Children and the UK GDPR

Information society services (online service) offered to children, marketing to children, automated decisions about children, sharing children's data, and children's data protection rights.


Lesson plans and resources for schools and teachers

We have produced school resources for teachers to use when discussing privacy issues and the value of personal information. The lesson plans cover what counts as personal information, why it is valuable and how to keep it safe when using social media. 

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