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New registration

Organisation details

Sole trader details

Enter the full name of your sole trader business, eg Anna Katherine Smith. We'll publish your business details on the public register.

Company details

Lookup from Companies House
Company address
Enter your Scheme name only, eg Smith Family Trust. Don't include 'the' or 'The Trustees of the'
Trustees of the
Enter any trading names you use, each on a new line
Are you a public authority? Answer Yes only if you are a public authority under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. If you are, we will show this on the public register.

Fee calculator

We only use this information to work out the fee you need to pay. We won't publish your answers on the public register, but we will publish which payment tier you fall into.

Is your organisation a charity, does it have exempt charitable status?
Is your organisation a small occupational pension scheme?
Does your organisation have 10 or fewer members of staff?
Did your organisation have a turnover of £632,000 or less in the last financial year?
Does your organisation have 250 or fewer members of staff?
Does your organisation have 250 or fewer members of staff?
Did your organisation have a turnover of £36 million or less in the last financial year?

The fee for your registration is £52 for this year.

The fee for your registration is £78 for this year.

The fee for your registration is £3,763 for this year.