The ICO exists to empower you through information.

25 May 2024

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Financial position monitoring – information shared with DSIT – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. DPDI Bill update – this is an oral item
  6. Business Continuity and Cyber Security Update– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Update on the work of Regulatory Board– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Update on the work of EDI Board - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item
  10. Key messages to staff – this was an oral item

22 April 2024

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Finance update – this is an oral item
  5. Corporate Governance decision-making structure – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Corporate risk management update– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Management Board annual work programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Monthly cyber security dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. WorldCoin PACE project– this was an oral item
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item
  11. Key messages to staff – this was an oral item



18 March 2024

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Annual Internal Audit Plan– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Finance update– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Corporate Risk Register update– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Risk Management – Orange Book compliance
  8. Audit and Risk Committee annual work programme - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Update on the work of Policy Board- lessons learned report – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Monthly cyber security dashboard - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  11. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item
  12. Key messages to staff – this was an oral item



26 February 2024

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. General Election planning – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Finance update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Pay Strategy– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Risk appetite review – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Management Board scorecard (Q3) – Management Board Scorecards
  9. Monthly Cyber Security dashboard- at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item
  11. Key messages to staff – this was an oral item



29 January 2024

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Finance update – this was an oral item
  5. Draft workforce strategy - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Career banding framework - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Workforce Investigation, Disciplinary & Grievance Training - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Leading Others Leadership Development programme - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. People Services priorities – Q4 2023/24 - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Penalty setting guidance – public consultation update - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  11. Doing it Differently – decision-making culture transformation update -  at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  12. Monthly cyber security dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  13. ET work programme – this was an oral item
  14. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item
  15. Key messages to staff – this was an oral item

18 December 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Executive Director of Regulatory Risk– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Future funding model and financial planning– this is an oral item
  6. Children’s Privacy strategy– this is an oral item
  7. Establishment Committee and resource allocation – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Annual report 2023/24 options
  9. Data Protection Practitioner’s Conference- lessons learned report – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Risk maturity assessment outcomes and actions - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  11. Monthly cyber security dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  12. ET work programme – this was an oral item
  13. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item
  14. Key messages to staff – this was an oral item

27 November 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. NIS regulatory approach – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Litigation update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Impact by Design- approach to business planning for 2024/25 – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  7. Update on the work of Regulatory Delivery Board – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Improving the Accessibility and Inclusivity of our Internal Products – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Monthly cyber security dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Executive Team work programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  11. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

30 October 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Update on the work of EDI Board – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Doing it differently – decision making workstream – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Monthly Cyber Security Dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  7. Medium Term Financial Plan – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Legislative Reform update– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Regulatory Posture during DPDI transition period approach update– at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Public Affairs vision – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  11. Enterprise Data Strategy – at the time of this meeting this item was not for publication.
  12. Executive Team work programme – at the time of this meeting this item was not for publication
  13. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

25 September 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Approach to Section 132 of the Data Protection Act – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Recent and upcoming Board-level meetings – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Monthly cyber security dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  7. Executive Team work programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item
  9. Key messages to staff – this was an oral item

21 August 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Technology and infrastructure projects – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Recent and upcoming Board-level meetings – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Monthly cyber security dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Executive Team Work Programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item
  9. Key messages to staff – this was an oral item

17 July 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Children's Board update – this was an oral item
  5. Operational backlog lessons learned – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Behavioural framework and leadership development proposition – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Update on the work of Risk and Governance Board
  8. Recent and upcoming Board-level meetings – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Monthly cyber security dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Executive Team Work Programme - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  11. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

15 June 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Pay remit update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Pay benchmarking-outcomes – this was an oral item
  6. Workforce planning – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  7. DPO Forum research – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. International Event Horizon Scanning- priority events – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Monthly cyber security dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Recent and upcoming Board-level meetings - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  11. ET Work programme and arrangements for future ET meetings - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  12. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

18 May 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. DPDI implementation update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. SCOPE update – this is an oral item
  6. Social media strategy – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Update on the work of the Communications and Engagement Board
  8. Update on the work of the Policy Board – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Monthly cyber security dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Recent and upcoming Board-level meetings
    1. Management Board - this was an oral item
    2. Audit and Risk Committee - this was an oral item
    3. People Committee this was an oral item
  11. Executive Team work programme -at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  12. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

20 April 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Approval of Organisation Design, Phase 2 – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Legislative reform update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Update on the work of Regulatory Delivery Board – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Accommodation Strategy – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Recent and upcoming Board level meetings – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Updated risk appetite statement – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Monthly cyber security dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  11. Executive Team work programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  12. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

16 March 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. High Performance Strategy – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Regulatory Behaviour Change – this is an oral item
  6. Guidance during passing of DPDI Bill – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Communications priorities and blueprint – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Annual internal audit plan
  9. Audit and Risk Committee annual work programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Recent and upcoming Board-level meetings – this is an oral item
  11. Executive Team work programme - at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  12. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item
  13. Key messages to staff – this was an oral item

16 February 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Management Board score card
  5. Update on the work of the Resources Board
  6. Belfast accommodation – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Management Board work programme
  8. Development of workforce planning framework and methodology – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Cost of living initiative and programme update – this was an oral item
  10. Organisational design phase 2 – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  11. Monthly cyber security dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  12. Recent and upcoming Board-level meetings – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  13. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

26 January 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. ICO25 Target Operating Model – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Draft High Performance Strategy – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

19 January 2023

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. ICO 25 Target Operating Model and Organisational Design Phase 2 consultation – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. NIS Reform update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Industrial action preparations – this is an oral item
  7. Data, Digital and Technology Strategic approach – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Update on the work of the Risk and Governance Board
  9. Recent and upcoming Board level meetings – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Executive Team Work Programme at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  11. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

14 December 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Legislative Reform Update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Annual Report – options report
  6. Executive Team work programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Any other urgent business
    • Key messages to staff – this was an oral item

17 November 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Legal Services Target Operating Model – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Update on the work of the Policy Board – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Data Protection Practitioner’s Conference – lessons learned – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Monthly Cyber Security Dashboard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Executive Team Work Programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Any other urgent business
    • Key messages to staff – this was an oral item

20 October 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. ICO25 – Phase 1 – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Parliamentary Strategy – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Cyber Update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Update on the work of the Communications and Engagement Board
  8. Executive Work Programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Any other urgent business
    • Key messages to staff - this was an oral item

22 September 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Update on the work of the Resources Board
  5. Executive Team Work Programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Any other urgent business
    • Key messages to staff – this was an oral item
    • Public Awareness Research – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication

30 June 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Employer value proposition (via Resources Board) – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Pay remit (via resources board)- at the time of the meeting this items was not for publication
  6. Update on the work of Risk and Governance Board
  7. Executive Team Work Programme
  8. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

9 June 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Plain Language internal communications
  5. Executive Team Work Programme
  6. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

12 May 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. ICO 25 – forward look on regulatory themes – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Update on the work of the Regulatory Delivery Board – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Update on the work of the Policy Board – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Risk Update – Financial Resilience and Litigation Resource
  8. Executive Team Work Programme
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

3 March 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Risk Appetite Review – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. DP Reform Proposals – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Update on the work of Comms & Engagement Team
  7. Data Protection Practitioner’s Conference plans
  8. Succession Planning – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Executive Work Programme
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

3 February 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Update on the work of Resources Board
  5. Development of capacity and capability in specialised areas – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Risk Appetite Review – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Changes to the DP Reform proposals – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Human Rights Act Reform Consultation – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Accommodation Update – this is an oral item
  10. Executive Team Work Programme
  11. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

6 January 2022

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Guidance Development Programme – this is an oral item
  5. Update on the work of the Risk & Governance Board
  6. Executive Team Work Programme
  7. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

2 December 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Follow up from Board Effectiveness exercise –this is an oral item
  5. Prioritisation approach: strategic assessment; regulatory priorities; prioritisation framework –this is an oral item
  6. Annual Report Options – attached
  7. Executive Team Work Programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

4 November 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Comms Director Operating Model – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Developing our regulatory powers for the future – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. The General Teaching Council for Scotland v The Chief Constable of the Policy Service of Scotland (legally privileged) –this is an oral item
  7. Executive Team Work Programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

2 September 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Journalism Code of Practice – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Overall Corporate Governance Structure – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Management Board Agenda – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Executive Team work programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

8 July 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. ICO Plan objectives and performance measures – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Annual Track results – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Analysis of pay data – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Operation Chandra Update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  8. Executive Team Work Programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. ET Commendations – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

10 June 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. Digital Identity Governance Oversight Body –this is an oral item
  5. ET Media Engagement – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. GP Database – this is an oral item
  7. Data Protection Practitioner’s Conference – lessons learned
  8. Executive Team work programme
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

6 May 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Declarations of Interest – this was an oral item
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  4. KPIs and Balanced Scorecard – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Regulatory Priorities – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. End to End Encryption – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. EDI Objectives – report attached
  8. Update on work for the SLT Boards – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

1 April 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  3. ICO Plan – this is an oral item
  4. 2021/22 Budget – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. ET Commendations – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

11 March 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  3. Proposed Budget – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  4. Vision Statement Discussion – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Civil Society Engagement Strategy – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Operation Volta
  7. Management Board Work Programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Internal Audit Plan – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Audit Committee Work Programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

14 January 2021

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  3. UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  4. DP Complaints caseload update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Risk Appetite Review – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Annual Report Options – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

3 December 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  3. ICO Opinion on safeguards in EU-UK PNR Agreement – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  4. Update from EU Withdrawal Project Group – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Political Parties Guidance – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item/this is an oral item
  6. Constitutional Review Update –this is an oral item
  7. Resources Directorate Review – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. ICO report to Parliament on the ICO’s activity relating to COVID-19 in 2020 – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item
  10. ET Commendations – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication

5 November 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  3. Digital Markets Taskforce Update – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  4. Update from EU Withdrawal Project Group – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Operation HIDA debrief – this is an oral item
  6. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

1 October 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  3. High Standards – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  4. DCMS Update on the ICO’s Cederberg investigation – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. Constitutional Review potential funding and resourcing opportunities – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Update from EU Withdrawal Project Group – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Digital Regulation – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. London Accommodation – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. DP Complaints recovery plan – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

10 September 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  3. Update on Government Spending Review – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  4. Sequencing of key regulatory actions – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  5. Capacity and Capability Plan – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item/this is an oral item
  6. Update from EU Withdrawal Project Group – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  7. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

12 August 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  3. Spending Review - bids – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  4. Draft Capacity & Capability Plan – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  5. ET leads for key stakeholders and approach to strategic relationship – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  6. Corporate Risk Review – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Update from EU Withdrawal Project Group – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. ET Commendations – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  9. Pay Review – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication

2 July 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Matters arising from the previous meeting – the minutes of the previous meeting are below
  3. Regulatory Posture – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  4. Economics of digital markets – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  5. Guidance note on regulatory vs advisory functions – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item/this is an oral item
  6. Update from EU Withdrawal Project Group – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  7. Quarterly Brief – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  8. Management Board – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication/this is an oral item
  9. ET Speaker Request
  10. Any other urgent business – this was an oral item

8 June 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting – the minutes of previous meetings are below
  3. Benchmarking the ICO against the UK regulatory community – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  4. Approach to economic crime cases – this was an oral item
  5. Approach to cyber cases – this was an oral item
  6. Data, international transfers and trade – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  7. Any other business – this was an oral item

4 May 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting – the minutes of previous meetings are below
  3. COVID-19 response – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication
  4. COVID-19 – misinformation and disinformation – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication.
  5. Age appropriate design code – this was an oral item
  6. EU Withdrawal Planning Group – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication
  7. Media monitoring – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication
  8. Any other business – this was an oral item

6 April 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting – the minutes of previous meetings are below
  3. COVID-19 response – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication
  4. DCMS funding update – this was an oral item.
  5. Corporate Risk Review – our risk register is available within the Management Board papers on our website.
  6. EU Exit – this was an oral item
  7. Audit Committee – 20 April 2020 – draft agenda – papers for this meeting are available on our website.
  8. ET and Board work programme – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication.
  9. Any other business – this was an oral item

11 March 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting – the minutes of previous meetings are below
  3. Data sharing code update – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication.
  4. Data prospects – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication
  5. Policy Board – terms of reference – further information of our governance arrangements are available on our website.
  6. Draft budget 2020/21 – at the time of the meeting this item was not for publication.
  7. Proposals for future international engagement – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication
  8. Management Board – 16 March – papers for Management Board meetings are available on our website.
  9. Any other business – this was an oral item

31 January 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting – the minutes of previous meetings are below
  3. Strategic threat assessment – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication
  4. Regulatory priorities governance – information about our regulatory approach is available on our website.
  5. Business services mission, vision and strategic goals – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication
  6. Updates from SLT – this was an oral item
  7. EU exit update – this was an oral item
  8. Any other business – this was an oral item
  9. 2019/20 pay review – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication

13 January 2020

  1. Introduction and apologies – this was an oral item

  2. Adtech – real time bidding – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication

  3. Age appropriate design code – next steps – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication
  4. Risk policy and risk appetite - this policy is available on our policies and procedures page
  5. Director level resources – at the time of the meeting this report was not for publication
  6. IAPP – April 2020 – this was an oral item
  7. EU exit update – this was an oral item
  8. London accommodation – this was an oral item
  9. Tech advisory panel – this was an oral item
  10. Tech conference – this was an oral item
  11. Any other business