The ICO exists to empower you through information.

Thank you, we have received your complaint. You will get an automated email from us confirming we have received it in the next 24 hours.

What happens next?

We will contact you within no more than 30 working day to provide you with a case reference number. We'll assign your complaint to a case officer as soon as we can.

If we're unable to accept your complaint, we will contact you to explain why. We may not accept your complaint if it is out of time (eg it has been more than six weeks of your last meaningful contact with the public authority), you have not requested an internal review or you have not provided us with the right information. 

Need to send documents to us?

If you have other relevant documents for us, you can post them to:

Customer Contact - FOI complaint documents
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House

Please include a covering letter with your name and email address, so that we can match your documents to your complaint.