Paying the data protection fee
If you are currently registered
If you are already registered, we will decide what tier you are in based on the information we have and you should tell us if you think we have got it wrong. You can email us, or we can take the details over the telephone. Please have your security number and registration reference ready.
If your registration has recently expired
If you aren’t currently registered because your registration has recently expired, we will regard you as eligible to pay a fee in tier 3 unless and until you tell us otherwise. You will need to give us certain information such as the fee tier you think you fall into, so we can advise what data protection fee you are required to pay.
If you are paying for the first time
You will need to give us certain information such as the name of your organisation, the best way to contact you and the fee tier you think you fall into. The quickest way to do this is online. You can call us on 0303 123 1113 for help starting the process, or at any point along the way.
There are a number of ways you can pay:
- Direct debit - The easiest way to pay. If you pay by direct debit, you will receive a £5 discount. If you are not already registered, we’ll send you direct debit details when you contact us to register. If you are already registered, we’ll send them with your renewal reminder.
- Credit or debit card - To pay by credit or debit card, you will need your registration reference and order reference. If you are not already registered, we will send you these when you contact us to pay the fee. If you are already registered, we’ll send it with your renewal reminder. You can make your payment online.
- Cheque - Please make your cheque payable to the ‘Information Commissioner’s Office’, and write your application reference or registration reference on the back. Again we will send you these when you contact us to register or when we send out your renewal reminder.